HanaTajima-My New Idol :D
Have you ever heard of this name?
Hana Tajima-Simpson?
Her full name Hana Tajima Simpson which are Tajima for the Japanese daddy, Simpson for the English Mum and Hana the Japanese, became amuslim about four years ago. Check out how Hana Tajima express her creativity in urban muslimah fashion.
wif yuna(from malaysia singing)
She is a designer in London, United Kingdom
At first, I saw her photo together with Yuna
So, I thought that she's a Malaysian
*Yuna's best friend*
yuna(malaysia) and hana tajima
there r so pretty.. wearing scarf (tudung)
so cute..! there r good friend.. :D
How wrong could I be,
She a mixture of Japanese and English
That explains her look though
I definitely adore her fashion sense
Well, if she can't get people to adore her,
How can she ever sell her clothes
That brings about this label, Maysaa
her advice :
"Don't get caught up in what looks good on other people, just to fit in. You have to find something you're comfortable with, a look that expresses your personality." -HanaTajima
her blog :http://hanatajimasimpson.com/:
btol3...weh...jd la follower org...^_^...http://syahmi66.blogspot.com/....ni org punyer ...